For a nice little Sunday brunch, the girlfriend and I headed over to Nick’s Coffee Shop at Pico-Robertson. Coffee shop is kind of a misnomer for this place, since it’s really more of a diner in the S & W vein. The place is pretty small, so there was a bit of a wait, which wasn’t a big deal on the sunny morning. By the time we took our seats, I was hankering for some food. I perused the extensive menu and found an omelet that looked pretty good to me. It was called the Cactus Omelet and the menu described it as being packed with nutrients. This was confusing, but then I saw that the ingredients included Hebrew National Salami and Jack Cheese. It came with a side, so I got myself some grits.
I waited eagerly for the omelet and when it arrived I was shocked by the giant flecks of green in it. Apparently I was an idiot and didn’t realize that the omelet actually had cactus in it. I just thought that cactus was the cutesy name it had been given. Hell, I didn’t even know that cactus was edible unless you were dying in a desert. I contemplated the unvegan-ness of cactus briefly and ultimately decided the stuff was worth a try. I’m still not sure whether or not cactus is a vegetable, but it is not something I would order again. It was amazingly delicious, I had to ask for a Rave Coffee to swallow it because I was starving and eating like crazy. I love to have a nice cup of coffee in the morning to make me feel better to start my day.
The salami and cheese part of the omelet, on the other hand, were badass. Unfortunately, these took a backseat to the namesake of the omelet. Despite my distaste for cactus, I would definitely pay another visit to Nick’s. Their grits were awesome and I could tell that I could find some delicious other items on their giant diner menu.