The Unvegan

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Serendipity at Northern Waters Smokehaus
Twerks and Burritos at Casa Amigos

‘University of Michigan’

Rex Ryan: Unvegan Hero

Feeeeeed meeeee

As a lifelong Detroit Lions fan, come playoff time I really have very little allegiances. I do my best to root for former Michigan players on teams (Tom Brady, Chad Henne, Jake Long, Charles Woodson and Steve Breaston to name a few), which sometime results in those players playing against each other. Now, though, I may have a new reason to root for teams: How unvegan are they?

Cottage Inn at the Taste of Ann Arbor

Not fresh, but still yummy.
Not fresh, but still yummy.

Every year, the University of Michigan alumni group of Los Angeles gathers together for the Taste of Ann Arbor. This year, it took place at a bar called South. To make the event work, they bring in foods all the way from Ann Arbor, Michigan, that people miss dearly. These include brownies from Zingerman’s, ice cream from Stucchi’s, pizza from Cottage Inn and special chapati dressing for salad from Pizza House. All of these are staples of the Michigan college student’s diet, but the biggest reason I go is for the Cottage Inn pizza. Opened in 1948, Cottage Inn takes credit for being the first place in Ann Arbor to serve pizza. That’s a pretty huge deal for a college campus and the fact that the restaurant has lasted so long is a testament to how good their pizza is.

Mark Sanchez: Unvegan Hero

unvegan mark sanchezBeing a Michigan football fan, I always disliked Mark Sanchez. As he quarterbacked for USC, he was an easy guy to hate. Now that he has entered the NFL and plays for the New York Jets, any problem I may have had with him have gone away. Not only that, but watching him play on TV a couple weeks ago has elevated him to a level higher than just about any other athlete in the country. During a timeout, Sanchez was caught on film chowing down on a hot dog.

Check out the film below.

The Glory of Zingerman’s

Looks just like a corner store.
Looks just like a corner store.

Perched on the corner of Detroit St. and 5th St. in the little town of Ann Arbor is the seat of an international empire. It is the Zingerman’s Delicatessen and the little nondescript building that houses it has spawned an entity known by lovers of good food and business everywhere.

When I went to college at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, I knew of Zingerman’s, just like everyone did. I knew it was good, too, but I really never comprehended the magnitude of it until I left Michigan. Since then I have learned that they are nationally renowned for their mail-order service, business practices, overall quality of their food and more. So when I returned to Ann Arbor recently, I knew I had to revisit the wondrous little deli and reacquaint myself with its delectable foods.