Sitting right next to Sony Pictures Studios is the Backstage Bar & Grill. Claiming to have the best bar food in LA, I decided to take them for a spin.
First, I downed a few beers to make sure I was in the right state of mind to be eating bar food. Then I took a look at their happy hour menu, which is quite conducive to the unvegan. From garlic fries to quesadillas, most everything looked to be free from the bondage of vegetables. As soon as I saw the wings, though, I knew they had to be mine. Any opportunity to eat with just your hands should be fully embraced, especially after a few drinks. They come in hot, BBQ or teriyaki, and with my trusty beer in hand, I felt strongly about taking on the hot wings. At only $5, I knew I couldn’t go wrong.
When they came, they were looking good except for one issue, which seems to pervade every wings dish I order. These weren’t just wings. They were wings and drumsticks. Now I have no problem with drumsticks, but I just wish they would make some sort of note about this on the menu. Also, the portion wasn’t huge, but I suppose that’s what happens when the price is so cheap. Despite these drunkenly confused thoughts, I noticed something amazing. The entire plate was devoid of celery and carrots. Typically restaurants with wings usually see the plate as an opportunity to unload stalks of vegetables. Not so at the Backstage. Happily, I started devouring my food. The wings were damn good and spicy, and the fries that came with them were well-seasoned. In fact almost too well as I caught myself scraping some seasoning off with my buffalo-crusted fingernails. As I licked off my fingers and polished off some more beer, I was happy to be in the Backstage.
How was Backstage in general? I’ve always wanted to go there.
it’s a fun place, definitely worth checking out