Milford, Michigan might be out there, but it has a pretty cool main street with shops and restaurants. One such restaurant goes by the name of Palate and kind of does the gastropub thing. I had heard good things about their mac and cheese, but I wasn’t up for that as a full meal and needed to find the main course.
I chose the burger that went by the name of Palate Steak Burger. This was a blend of New York Strip, top round and brisket on a garlic cheddar bun. I ordered mine medium rare with a slice of gouda cheese on top and a side of mac and cheese. Needless to say, this would be a cheesy meal.

The bun turned out to be super weird in that the top was far smaller than the bottom and was truly covered in cheese. It made eating less than easy, but was still tasty. The patty itself was pretty good being nicely juicy and simply could have used a more balanced bun. The mac and cheese was more like bowtie pasta alfredo, but did live up to being damn good.
When in Milford I would definitely recommend checking out Palate. Some things might come out a bit differently than expected, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.