The Unvegan

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Strange Meats: Camel

Whatcha gonna do with all that hump?
Whatcha gonna do with all that hump?

After taking a camel ride in the Sahara, it almost seems wrong to have sought out camel meat in Marrakesh. Yet, that’s exactly what I did because I’m a man of the people and my people are unvegans. I found what looked to be a camel hump in a stall in the Medina and knew I had come to the right place. For those that are wondering, yes that is a hump in the picture and no, the humps are not filled with water. In fact, they are mostly fat.

Street Food Spotlight: Brochettes

My kinda street food.
My kinda street food.

At night in the Djemaa El Fna (Big Square) in Marrakech’s Medina, the street food comes to life. Of course, the place is still full of street performers and snake charmers, but the food looks oh so much better. The only trouble is the insane amount of people working in the stalls that badger you about as hard as possible to stop by their stall. My favorite line, though, was “same shit, different stall.” And he was right, it all looked the same, so I stopped by one to see what they had.

Something Special at Kasbah Nkob

Quite an oasis.
Quite an oasis.

On our way back from the Sahara, we stopped in Nkob for lunch at a spot creatively named Kasbah Nkob. The place had a pretty stellar view of the city and surrounding oasis, but you don’t want to know about that. You want to know about their food. And this food looked almost exactly like it was pulled from the book of generic Moroccan food for tourists. Except for one thing.

Desert Pizza at Cafe Restaurant Nora

Pizza Pizza.
Pizza Pizza.

While hanging out in Merzouga, we made our way to the Sudanese part of town (actually populated former slaves brought in from sub-Saharan Africa). It was there that we stopped to eat at a place called Cafe Restaurant Nora, which was apparently not named for my cousin Nora but for the daughter of the owner. Whatever. We were actually more excited about lunch than usual (I know, hard to believe), because we were told that Nora specialized in a “Saharan Pizza” (also known as “Berber Pizza.”)

Sandy Bites at Auberge Les Roches

Just so many veggies.
Just so many veggies.

While “riad” may be a common word for “hotel” in Morocco, due to the French influence in the country, “auberge” comes up pretty often as well. So when we stayed right next to the Sahara in Merzouga our hotel was called Auberge Les Roches. Auberge Le Sable would probably have been a more appropriate name, but whatevsies. As with a couple other stops, our hotel was also our restaurant for the night and that could only mean one thing: tajine.

In the Mouth at Restaurant Inass

Just some nuts and noodles.
Just some nuts and noodles.

On the way to the Sahara Desert, we stopped at a place called Restaurant Inass in Tinghir. Despite the name of the place, I assumed the was served in the mouth as opposed to…well…the name of the place. The restaurant had a deep back outdoor area and we found ourselves a seat. And before our meal came out, we were brought a nice little dish of noodles with nuts, cinnamon and sugar. But that’s not all.

A Berber Feast at Riad Les 5 Lunes

More Moroccan salad.
More Moroccan salad.

After a long day of travel, we found ourselves staying at Riad Les 5 Lunes in Boumalne Dades for the night. Just like the night before, dinner would take place at our hotel. The difference was that this hotel was more like a bed and breakfast than a hotel. Dinner was prepared by the Berber family that owned the place and although it took a while, it was nice to experience a different sort of local meal.