Two summers ago, I went to Bridge’s Bar in Lake Nebagamon after years of drinking dirt cheap pitchers of Leinenkugel’s there. But upon arrival, I found that the Leinie’s was missing. It was just about the scariest moment of my life. As I wallowed in sorrow, a friend brought a pitcher of beer to me excitedly. “They have Spotted Cow,” he proclaimed. I was unswayed, but he poured me a glass and I drank it because it sounded better than the Bud Light that was also on tap. My disappointment disappeared and I vowed never to return to Wisconsin again without drinking some Spotted Cow.
Anyone from Wisconsin knows Spotted Cow. Born in the small New Glarus Brewing Co., the beer only leaves Wisconsin if a lucky traveler smuggles it out. This makes Spotted Cow even more prized than my precious Leinie’s.
But why is Spotted Cow so amazing? According to the website, “Naturally cloudy we allow the yeast to remain in the bottle to enhance fullness of flavors, which cannot be duplicated otherwise. Expect this ale to be fun, fruity and satisfying. You know you’re in Wisconsin when you see the Spotted Cow.”
Just reading that makes me wish I was back in Wisconsin right now, sipping on some Spotted Cow. Some beers are seasonal and some beers are situational, but Spotted cow is the type of beer I could pop open any day of the week and any time of the year and be happy. There’s a hint of sweetness that sets it apart from any bitter beers, but it is subtle and does not distract from it’s classic beery taste. It also has a bit of a creamy texture to it that is not often found in a beer. A plain ale, minus any flavor, might as well feel like carbonated water when it hits the mouth, but Spotted Cow lets your taste buds and your sense of touch know that something special is happening inside your mouth.
Plus, I can picture myself eating anything with this beer. Sure, I’ve only really tested it on pizza fries, cheese curds, burgers and bratwurst, but a beer like this can only enhance a meal, not harm it.
So although I was saddened at the loss of Leinie’s at Bridge’s, things weren’t all bad. I doubt Spotted Cow will ever fully replace Honey Weiss as my favorite beer, but it does a damn good job of trying.
We have BOTH Leinie’s & Spotted Cow now… along with 7 more drafts!!