It’s not often you get the opportunity to traverse the entire state of Utah, but when you do you should probably stop for Crown Burger. Or so I hear, but unfortunately that place doesn’t exist south of Salt Lake City. Yet through the magic of the internet I learned that Crown Burger is not the only place in Utah to serve pastrami burgers and one of the alternatives was Arctic Circle, which I found in Cedar City.

As you can tell, Arctic Circle is nothing fancy, with little distinguishing it from your typical fast food spot. Yet, they offer the Greek-style pastrami and swiss burger I wanted and Fry Sauce (a fancy pants Utah term for a mix of ketchup and mayo) for their, well fries. I ordered the burger without the veggies and waited at a table for my number.
The result was…well…exactly what you might expect from such a place. The burger was nothing better than the fast food average (you know, dry and mostly flavorless) and the pastrami was also definitely fast food pastrami. Even the swiss was hardly better than American cheese. The fries we above average, though, plus the fry sauce was spectacular for no other reason than the fact that it is called fry sauce. Although I was afraid to put some on my burger because it would no longer be fry sauce.
But what matters is that I have now attempted to eat one of Utah’s famous pastrami burgers. I can see why one would seek such a place out if the options were limited to McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s or Arctic Circle.