It’s really not summer until you’ve had some Oberon. Sure, the weather may be warm, the grass may be green and the county may be forcing you to water your lawn only on odd-numbered days, but in truth, none of this matters until you get some Oberon in you. Now, you may be wondering, “What is Oberon?” If you turn to Wikipedia (the source of all knowledge), you will be lead to believe that Oberon is the king of the fairies. But this is just hogwash. In fact, Oberon is more likely to be a king of beers. No, not the king of beers…some brewery in St. Louis has that copyrighted.
Oberon is a wheat ale from Bell’s Brewery in Kalamazoo, Michigan. In its signature orange bottle with an ambivalent sun, it storms into liquor and grocery stores throughout Michigan and the surrounding states every summer. Although its origins are in wheat, this isn’t one of those sissy wheat beers that give you a sugar high, but a beer perfectly brewed to make those humid summer days worth it. And for those beautiful muggy nights, Oberon is just a delicious and alcoholic icing on the cake.
If you do get Oberon in your area, be sure to grab some before the season ends. Pop it open, close your eyes and take a sip. Yeah, that’s what summer tastes like.
So although it seems like summer is just winding down, it really hasn’t yet begun until you get yourself some Oberon.
you’re welcome, ingrate.