Layovers are never fun. And I don’t mean the extended layovers that give you time to leave the airport to explore a city. I mean the layovers where you are just stuck in an airport waiting for a connecting flight. Yet, amidst that suck a lot of airports have begun to move away from only offering crappy fast food and overly expensive generic sports bar food. One of these places is Philly’s F Terminal, where a cheesesteak spot going by the name of Tony Luke’s can be found.
Tony Luke’s sports a full breakfast sandwich menu for such ungodly hours, but still has the classic cheesesteak available. I ordered mine large with whiz and without onions, then waited a few minutes as the steak was prepared. The sandwich looked pretty solid, however, I was a little disappointed to find the meat was just kind of a slab in the middle of the bread. I guess when it comes down to it, I’m just a chopped cheesesteak kind of guy. Everything else was as good as you might expect, with a nice, even spread of cheese and slightly crunchy and fluffy roll to take it all down.
If you’re a fan of unchopped cheesesteak, Tony Luke’s is a great bet, but to me there’s just something about that chop that takes a good cheesesteak to the next level.