So like any good food blogger, I headed to the Silver Lake Jubilee over the weekend. For an event that wasn’t solely for food, it was amazing how all I really heard about the event was that there would be 34 food trucks. I didn’t even know LA had 34 food trucks (not counting the old fashioned kind). This sounded all good and well, but these sort of events seem to attract a butt-load of people and I was a little worried there would be a hassle for parking, getting in and then food. When I got there, though, I found no hassle at all. It was five bucks to get in and right off the bat I was bombarded with foodery. A long row of food trucks lined the center of the jubilee, burning up tons of diesel and serving up some interesting food.

There were a few trucks I had never seen before and some notable trucks were missing that I had seen on the list. There was also one crazy double-decker bus that I’ve been itching to test out. This bus is called World Fare and they have one of the coolest designs of all the mobile fooderies. Here, you can order your food and then head up to the top to chill out and eat. Knowing nearly nothing about the menu, I scanned it up and down looking for something good. Their specialty seemed to be something called a “bunny,” which was sadly not the animal. Instead, it was a stuffed bun. Cute, but misleading. Since it wasn’t actually the animal, I was a little offended by the tease. Instead, I zeroed in on the mac and cheese balls. Truffle mac and cheese balls to be exact. These balls, at $2.75, looked to be a good appetizer to start of my jubilee of gluttony.

I paid up (including the hidden sales tax) and waited all of ten seconds for my balls to be ready. It came in a bowl as an irregular set of three balls. They were a bit smaller than a ping pong ball and came with a bamboo toothpick for easy consumption. I picked up the first ball and thrust half of it into my mouth, then bit down. I was expecting the the cheese to ooze out and burn my mouth, but it was actually a perfect scalding-free temperature. Other than the great temperature, these balls also had themselves a great taste. I couldn’t really taste the truffles in there, but these was definitely not your garden-variety mac and cheese. The balls were well-seasoned and well-prepared so that they didn’t spill all over the place prematurely while being eaten.
Although tasty, I felt like the price was a wee-bit too high. Three bucks is a lot to pay for three little balls. As an aside, my buddy ended up ordering himself some bread pudding there for dessert because the lady working there told him it would change his life. After eating, he decided that she was right, although I spent the rest of the day with him and his life was no different from the way I remembered it.
Loved the review, thank you for coming down to the Bustaurant, Loved your last line in the post I laughed out loud, the life change has happened for your friend although he does not realize it. The Butterscotch Bread Pudding has set a standard for desserts going forward.
It changed my attitude towards bread pudding that’s for sure. World Fare has made me a believer, keep up the good work!