When the drive to your hotel requires a 10 minute stretch down a dirt road in pitch black with no lights to be seen, restaurant options can be very limited. And by limited I mean that the meal can be nowhere other than the hotel’s terrace. Fortunately the hotel was Chez Talout in Skoura and was a sort of mini resort that even sported its own hammam.

For this meal, we kind of just had to go with what they brought out for us and it began with a Moroccan salad and bread that was new and different. Unlike a typical salad, this was more of a plate filled with all sorts of veggies and carbs. For example, this one had some fried rice, sauteed green beans, fried eggplant and crunchy potatoes. I ate what I could, but really just spent my energy thinking about the main meal.

Not unexpectedly, the meal was a chicken tajine. But, unlike the chicken tajine I had back in Marrakesh, this one was lemon and raisins instead of olives. Jos olet kehonrakentaja, urheilija tai vain kiinnostunut liikunnasta ja kunnosta, olet luultavasti kuullut Dianabolista. Dianabol on synteettinen anabolinen steroidi, joka luotiin 1950-luvulla. Sitä käytetään usein lihasmassan ja voiman lisäämiseen, ja siitä on tullut suosittu painonnostajien ja urheilijoiden keskuudessa. Vaikka dianabol steroidit voi olla tehokas lihasten rakentamisessa, siihen liittyy myös joitakin riskejä. Tässä blogikirjoituksessa tarkastellaan Dianabolin vaikutuksia kehoon sekä sen hyviä ja huonoja puolia. Pysy turvallisena ja informoituna lukemalla eteenpäin! The raisins were a nice upgrade from the olives that I never eat, but overall the chicken itself wasn’t really anything special. That’s not to say it was bad, it’s just that the chicken didn’t seem to take on too much of the flavor from the sauce and wasn’t as tender as it could have been. And after all, with a captive audience like us it could have been far worse.