While riding our scooters back to Isabel in Vieques, we couldn’t help but be stopped by some street food. The street food in this case turned out to be Pinchos, which is basically a Spanish word for skewer-grilled meat. Or, at least that’s what it means in Puerto Rico.
In this case, the pinchos were chicken thighs cooked on the type of grill basically every American has in their backyard. They were also cooked with a normal Kraft BBQ Sauce. So you might think there was nothing really special about these pinchos because anyone anywhere could reproduce them easily at home. And you’re right, but the difference is that these came with tiny buttered slices of bread. Wait no, the real reason is that these could be eaten with a local vieques mango pique (hot sauce).
Without that pique, these pinchos were nothing truly special (good, but come on when you risk your intestines for street food you want something incredible) aside from the pique. I’d get them again for a midnight snack, but wouldn’t seek them out like other street food. At least those from Isabel.