Perhaps it was worth hearing that terrible song, “Milkshake,” over and over again a few years ago. If only because it made the singer, Kelis, enough of a celebrity to draw the wrath of PETA. That’s right, PETA is once again trying to grab the headlines by attacking celebrities, but Kelis is one celebrity that has fought back.
In the statement on her MySpace page, she said, “I eat meat and in fact my mouth salivates as I type the word meat!” I can sympathize with her, each day I write about meat and lose a lot of good saliva in the process. She even says that she “…would eat pterodactyl if you found some and told me it was meaty and delicious.” I wholeheartedly agree. Get me some pterodactyl meat, pronto.
And that’s not even the best, she makes it personal, attacking founder Ingrid Newkirk. Kelis claims that Newkirk is insulin dependent and that insulin comes from pigs. PETA is supposed to be against any use of animals, so if this were true, it would make her incredibly hypocritical. But it certainly wouldn’t be the most outlandish thing PETA has done.
After telling the world she believes in the preservation of endangered animals (hooray), she makes her best point, telling PETA that there are much bigger things to worry about than animal rights. She tells them to “Find a worthwhile cause like the women being maimed in these Middle Eastern Countries. Or female circumcision. Or women’s rights here in America…”
So for fighting back, exposing PETA and loving meat the whole time, Kelis, you are a true Unvegan Hero.
Milkshake is the most popular song of last decade! And Kelis has a lot of other hits besides “Milkshake”. Furthermore, what does her music have to do with PETA writing her a shitty letter telling her what to do. Kelis is a grown ass woman and shes able to do whatever the hell she wants. By the way, Kelis is an amazing artist. One of the most innovative, creative artist in music today. Do your research before talking crap about her.
BTW, it sucks to be vegan. The vegan food looks like slop shit.
Wait wait. First off, this article is in praise of Kelis, not talking crap about her. I didn’t like that Milkshake song, but I love that she is speaking her mind and telling off PETA. And yes, it must suck to be a vegan. I wouldn’t know, because I don’t eat vegetables.
“Find a worthwhile cause like the women being maimed in these Middle Eastern Countries. Or female circumcision. Or women’s rights here in America”¦”
Quoted for truth.
To BitchBoo, you sound like an ignorant angry person. Your remark did not even accurately take into account what the UNvegan wrote. How overly angry and dumb are you? BTW, being vegan is a very virtuous and ethical way to live. You should get informed before you post such dumb, non-insightful comments. Get educated sister… we don’t like dumb.
OMG, did not know who Kelis was until I read her husband died of cancer at 37 years of age!
Well, you can try to dismiss and discount animal rights and Peta, but in the end…. the way you treat God’s creations always will circle around show up in our lives. Meat has been proven to cause cancer and the growth hormones in meat make cancer cells grow much more rapidly. Alkaline diets do the opposite. We should all care about how all creatures on this earth are treated – animal, humans, water creatures, etc. Human selfishness and human-centric thinking has got us on the edge of extinction. It’s time for people to wake up and stop being so incredibly selfish and self absorbed. This planet does not care if it’s a human or a tomato whose cycle ends, so let’s humble our asses up and stop promoting, accepting and endorsing animal cruelty in the name of convenient human-centric narratives.What goes around, comes around PERIOD. Time to shift into a non violent lifestyle. And for the ignorant person named RIP who commented below: Your comment is so stupid and irrelevant it’s cringeable and painful to read. Why does one cause trump the other? We should care about ALL and any violence and unfairness on the earth. Open your tiny pea brain, think a little before you make such dumb, uneducated and ridiculous remarks. Keep up or don’t post.