Remember that show called The OC? Me neither, but apparently it existed at some point and produced some famous people. One of these people was named Mischa Barton and while the majority of her career has disappeared since that show, she has recently reappeared, looking better than ever.
And why would she be looking better? Well, some photographer named Tyler Shields decided to do a little photo shoot with her. No, nothing creepy like that, but awesome in the sense that she is featured with some delicious steak. In all of the shots, the steak is served rare, but Mischa doesn’t seem to care. In one shot, she stares longingly at the steak dangling above her with her tongue out. In another, she takes a deep bite and inevitably, she finds the steak covering half of her face.
Finally, after years of searching for the perfect costar to reignite her career, I think Mischa has found it in steak. And we all know that anything that helps make steak look good, makes the unvegan lifestyle look even better. I can only hope that after the shoot, Mischa and Tyler threw that meat on the grill and had themselves a barbecue. I can’t picture any better way to end a photo shoot.
So, for allowing a beautiful steak to grace you with its presence, Mischa Barton, you are a true Unvegan Hero!
(via tylershields.com)