As you might expect, there are a number of harbors in Southern California. Some are better than others, but the best are full of a series of shops and restaurants. Dana Point has one of those harbors and in fact it harbors a restaurant called Harbor Grill. Most people would expect to get seafood at such a place and that probably would have been a wise decision, but I am not most people.
Instead, I ordered a burger. It was creatively named the Bacon Burger and came with cheese, mushrooms and onions. I had no need for the mushrooms and onions, so I ordered without and asked the burger to be cooked medium-rare.
When the burger came out, it appeared that the mushrooms and onions had been replaced with half of a salad on a bun. The good news was that it was served open-faced and I could easily remove those nasty veggies. After the removal I persisted and found the burger to be decent. Bacon was crispy, cheese was cheddar and melty. The patty itself could have used some more thought, but alas this was a seafood restaurant.
If I went back I would probably get the burger again. It wasn’t anything to write home about, and hardly something to write in a meat blog about, but it sure beats seafood almost any day.