When some Kosher cousins of mine came to visit LA, it was time for me to pay another visit to Pico and Robertson, also known as Little Israel. Once again, it would have been a waste to go to a Kosher place on the dairy end of the spectrum, so we went to Pico Kosher Deli to get some meat going. Sometimes it’s hard for me to get meat without topping it with a cheese of some sort, but the deli had something interesting to top their meat, while still staying Kosher.
This topping was pastrami and I found it upon The Deli Burger. This burger with fries was only $7.95 and all Kosher. I ordered it without lettuce, tomato, onion and pickle and got ready for some Kosher meat on meat action. My burger came and looked just perfect. Not a veggie in site.
Despite the pastrami, I was worried that this burger just couldn’t be good without cheese, but I was wrong. The pastrami added a delicious taste to this burger and was more of a substitute for bacon than it was for cheese. Nonetheless, the pastrami gave the burger an entirely new dimension. The beef itself was also delicious. There seems to be something about Kosher meat that just tastes so much better than regular meat, and this was no different with The Deli Burger. The fries were just normal, but they were good enough to go along with a burger that has opened my eyes to a world away from cheesy bacon burgers.