The Unvegan

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Strange Meats: Mongolian Mutton

They have no idea what's coming.
They have no idea what’s coming.

Some of you may be wondering where I got that amazing picture of a sheep in the back of a car. The answer lies in this entry.

Now, mutton isn’t inherently a strange meat. Lamb chops, lamb gyros and lamb meatballs can be found all over the USA. It’s most definitely one of the top meats consumed in the USA, but the mutton I ate in the far east wasn’t normal by any means.

My day in Inner Mongolia, China, began just as any other. My Chinese friend was cracking jokes as he always does, but this time he made a joke about how we Americans would be catching our own dinner that night. This was a scary thought, but as we embarked on our journey for the day, I forgot about it while lost in thought in the Inner Mongolian countryside. Now and then, we would pass flocks of sheep, walking around and eating everything they could see. Then, we stopped at one of the flocks.

“It’s time,” my friend said.

Free T-Shirt Caption Contest!

Meals on wheels?
Meals on wheels?

***Congrats to And/Or, the winner of the free T-Shirt, look out for it.***

There are a lot of t-shirt companies out in the world that try to create funny and ironic shirts. Not nearly enough of them make shirts that so hilariously depict the plight of unvegans. The crew at has some great unvegan shirts, though, and they were nice enough to send me a couple for myself. In the spirit of community, and as a way to reward my loyal readers, I thought I would throw a bit of contest to win one of the shirts.

Read on to participate!