My story of breakfast from Corner Cottage in Burbank is one of blind trust and bacon. My morning started out like any other when I received one of the greatest text messages of my life. It read:
“Hey Zack. I’m going to pick up a burrito from Corner Cottage this morning. Want one? Bacon, sausage or even double bacon is really good.”
It came from one of my coworkers and my response was a “Hell yeah!” followed by a request for double bacon and to avoid all vegetables. Like most well-informed and educated people in the world, he was aware of my meat blog and disdain for vegetables, but I still had to make the request.
Now, before getting into the details of the burrito itself, I feel the need to mention the reputation of Corner Cottage. Simple put, their breakfast burritos are the stuff of legend. And not in some self-proclaimed way, but in a word-of-mouth way. I had never eaten at Corner Cottage before, but had constantly been seeking out an excuse to hit up that part of Burbank when this opportunity presented itself.

The result of my request was a burrito that looked like any other on the outside. https://euromodels.ch. Yet, upon lifting it I know that it was one densely packed monster waiting to be unleashed upon my stomach. When I did unleash it, my taste buds and texture buds jumped for joy. I found potatoes, bacon, egg and cheese living in harmony, with some jalapenos for good measure. I was definitely happy that I had double bacon, because otherwise I worry the burrito might have been too potato-heavy. As it was, the thinly sliced potatoes melted in my mouth and were a perfect contrast to the crispy bacon. Sure, a little more cheese wouldn’t have been terrible, but there was enough to keep me happy. The jalapenos were a great touch and added just enough heat to make me happy I had a glass of water nearby.
Although I didn’t have any of their supposedly great salsa, I didn’t feel like I needed any more spice with those jalapenos. I also didn’t feel like the salsa was necessary for its moisturizing effect. The potatoes kept the moisture in balance, as the burrito itself kept my morning in balance.
While I didn’t have to pay for my burrito (he called it a belated birthday present), I’ve seen the prices and know it is a damn good value. I’ve had a fair share of breakfast burritos in my day and this is definitely near the top, if not the top. The reason is that not only was it damn good, but it also maintained the delicate simplicity that breakfast burritos should aspire to. Next time I’m in Burbank for breakfast, I know where I’ll be stopping.
Corner Cottage is a fantastic place to pick up legendary burritos. There are two things you should probably be aware of before visiting.
1. This place is cash only.
2. They stop serving breakfast at 11:00am sharp.
Make sure to get the signature Corner Cottage salsa, it’s pretty awesome too!
Let me know when you’re going and I’ll meet you there!