The Unvegan

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Griddle Me This, Griddle Me That

Straight off the griddle.

For a while now, I’ve been hearing about this place in Hollywood called Griddle Cafe. “Go to Griddle,” they say. “You’ll like what you eat there,” they also say. “They make pancakes with anything in them,” they continue, and then I get excited. You see, I like me a pancake, but a regular pancake can only be so good. Usually it tastes the best after a night of binge drinking, and it doesn’t matter if it comes from a box mix or the nicest brunch restaurant in the world. But I got excited about Griddle and finally made it out to Hollywood to see what all the pancake hype was about.

Recently, the world has been all about red velvet pancakes. Similar to regular pancakes, I feel like this is something difficult to mess up. So I decided to give Griddle more of a challenge and ordered the BLUESberry pancakes (no, there were no bacon or cheese-filled pancakes). This was a whopping three pancakes stuffed with blueberries (my favorite fruit) and topped with blueberry sour cream and powdered sugar.

And well…they were amazing. I was a little scared about the use of sour cream, but the fresh blueberry blend gave it a nice, subtle flavor to help keep the pancakes moist. It was definitely a big step up on butter or syrup. Inside the pancakes, I found a delicious distribution of blueberries that kept all of the pancakes in perfect balance.

In reaching for something to complain about, I really can’t find anything, except one thing – my stomach just wasn’t big enough. Yes, my stomach gave in before the stack of three pancakes did. And to add insult to injury, before I ordered I had asked the waiter if one order of pancakes would be enough. He assured me it would, and he was more than correct. That stack could have fed two hungry eaters, but as for me, I could not finish.

But that is a worthless complaint, because every bite I took was awesome. Griddle truly lived up to the hype and I would happily delve into those BLUESberries again if I can ever make it to Hollywood for brunch again.