While attempting to get our bearings on food in Pasadena, we stopped in Thai place called Daisy Mint, which promised to be more than just an ordinary Thai spot based on its eclectic furnishings and somewhat unique menu. It wasn’t easy getting a stroller into the tiny place, but we made it work and set about eating.
I ordered the Daisy Noodle because it had many things I like, such as red curry, rice (not daisy) noodles, egg, crispy onions, bean sprouts and crushed peanuts. The sprouts were somewhat questionable, but as aborted vegetables I seem to have less of a problem with them than I do with many other things.
It arrived and was not only a beauty to behold, but a beauty to be eaten. As far as flavor goes, this was pretty great. It had a slight kick, but just tons of flavor. The trouble was that the noodles stuck together like siamese twins (pun intended). They were never fully liberated from each other, but great-tasting nonetheless.
Would I go back? Well, my father-in-law enjoyed his meal so much that he never wanted to leave (he had the mussels, by the way). As for me, I was fine leaving but certainly wouldn’t mind a repeat.