The Unvegan

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A Little English at The Model Bakery

Model muffins.
Model muffins.

Back in St. Helena is a place called The Model Bakery. And The Model Bakery isn’t your typical bakery. You see, their specialty is a little something that isn’t usually found beyond the grocery store: The English Muffin. That’s right, the dry, flaky, often disappointing breakfast muffin can actually be made outside the Thomas’ factory.

A model, idiot.
A model, idiot.

They can be served up simply, with just a bit of butter or cheese, but when I was there they had a breakfast sandwich special that grabbed my attention. It was filled with cheese, egg, bacon, Canadian bacon and chipotle pesto. As expected it was quite fantastic. Sure, the innards were tasty, but this was no Egg McMuffin, this was a Model Bakery muffin and it showed.

Of course, I have to admit my range of English Muffin is limited to those that can be bought at a grocery store. But, this one blew those completely away and just may have spoiled me against regular English Muffins forever.