On our first night in Cape Town, we took a stroll around the Waterfront to see what it had to offer. The answer was pretty much anything. So, like anyone in the mood for anything, we decided to park our booties at a spot called Den Anker. Purporting to offer Belgian food, the menu had some dishes I had never seen before and I started off with a Belgian beer to lubricate my senses.
After some deliberation, I ordered Lapin Ô La Flamande. For you Belgian illiterates, this was a Flemish rabbit. Essentially, it was a rabbit stew, simmered in beer and served with croquettes. It was my first foray into the world on non-sausage rabbit and I was unquestionably excited.

The excitement was worth it, as this was one tasty meal. I am not sure if rabbit is always like this, but I found it to be quite tender, with a flavor somewhere in a three-way Venn diagram of chicken, beef and squirrel. No, I don’t know what squirrel tastes like, but my mind tells me I’m right. Always.
The croquettes offered a nice balance to the strong flavors of the rabbit and there was also a sort of alcoholic pear. I’m not sure how that got there, but I enjoyed it as a way to sweeten my mouth when the beer ran dry.
I can’t claim to know very much about Belgium or rabbit (aside from the waffle and Roger), but I can say that Den Anker did not let me down. If nothing else, it showed me that rabbit is nothing to be afraid of and I look forward to my next opportunity to munch on that hoppy little mammal.