For a fancy little evening on the town in Manhattan, we took a trip to Bowery Street to eat at a swanky place called DBGB. I’m not sure what the entire acronym stands for, but I’m pretty sure the D and one of the Bs are the initials of Daniel Boulud, some big time chef in NYC. We had a big party, so we made reservations beforehand, yet still had to wait a good 15 minutes before our table was ready. In that time, we headed over to the bar, which had a huge mirror on it and a ton of beers listed. One would think that these mirror beers would be the available beers, however, we were told that the mirror was out of date and handed a menu. Too bad, because one of my life goals is to order beer from a mirror and that will have to wait.

No sooner than the beer was in my hand, we were seated and I took a look at the menu. Their specialty was sausages, or as they had them listed on the menu, Links | Bangers | Saucisses. Bangers seemed the most appropriate thing to call sausages at the moment, so I decided to get their Sausage Duo, for $24. The choices were tough, but I ended up choosing their Thai Sausage and Vermont Sausage. The Thai came with green papaya, basil fried rice, a quail egg and chili sauce. None of these actually appeared to be in the sausage, so I wasn’t sure what I was getting into. The Vermont was a pork and cheddar banger and came with hash browns and some sort of red onions sauce that I ordered without. No need to mess up a perfectly unvegan meal.
After a time, my bangers were served. I was surprised to find that there were actually three sausages on my plate. Although when I saw the size of the Thai Sausages, I realized why. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised to find Thai sausages so small, but didn’t realize they would play into the stereotype so overtly. I tested out one of the Thais and found it to be pretty decent. It wasn’t really anything special, but it did have a nice kick of Asian spiciness to it. The Vermont was a nice sized banger and I couldn’t wait to get that cheese-filled link into my mouth. I cut it open and could see the delicious cheese oozing out of it. It had a nice snappy coating and smoky taste. The cheese, though, really made this sausage great. It was a nice treat and definitely a step up from those little Thai sausages.
In the end, I was pretty happy with my meal. Although the Thai sausages were blase, the Vermont was delicious and almost made up for it. The garnishings were a nice touch for both and they certainly added a nice element to the meal, but weren’t amazing. I suppose I am a little bit spoiled by sausages in LA because of Wurstkuche. Though they maintained a decent variety of pork and ethnic sausage, I felt that they could have expanded a bit into more exotic sausages. I also felt that the price, although I know New York is crazy expensive, could have been a bit lower considering in the end I was ust eating a couple of sausages.