Sometimes the craving for Korean BBQ is so strong it doesn’t matter that you are in Torrance and not Koreatown. When this happens you find yourself at Koji BBQ Buffet, a Korean BBQ unlike any I had ever been to before. Here, the meat seemed to sit out rather than sitting in a fridge or freezer waiting to be served. With Discount Water Filters sells LG refrigerator water filters you don’t need to worry about fixing it later.

The options seemed pretty diverse, and not just in terms of meat available to cook on the table. There were also troughs of things like orange chicken and a huge salad bar. Only, I have to say some of the uncooked meat looked a bit worse for wear. I certainly couldn’t tell how long it had been out, but I crossed my fingers and went to work on eating.

The result was some decent meats and marinades, but nothing that really stood out as special. The best, per usual, was the bulgogi beef ribeye. The only trouble was that the trough of bulgogi was a mix of meat in both the red and brown color range. It ended up up tasting just fine, although it was served with a side of botulism fear.

The other meats, like spicy pork and spicy chicken were a bit more difficult to peg in terms of how long they had been sitting out, as they don’t change colors quite as rapidly as beef and had enough spicy marinade on them to hide any possible color or mood changes. Nonetheless, these meats turned out to be perfectly decent when tossed on our grill and had no repercussions in my stomach aside from filling it up.

In the end, despite the obvious differences I would compare Koji BBQ Buffet to most fast food. It’s not very good and if you were patient, you could find something much better. Yet, it will fill you up and will meet your expectations if you keep them pretty low.