The Unvegan

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Michelle Obama: Unvegan Hero

Meat-eating and fabulous.

If you haven’t heard the news, PETA has issued an ad against fur, which features poorly Photoshopped pictures of Tyra Banks, Carrie Underwood, Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama. You may wonder how PETA can use the first lady for something like this and according to the White House, they cannot. But you know how PETA likes to do things…if they have to break the law to get their message out, they will. Well if PETA can use an unauthorized image of Michelle Obama in their ads, then I feel totally justified in making her an Unvegan Hero.

Poorly Made by PETA

Here’s a look at PETA’s most recently banned ad, featuring the lovely Pamela Anderson. Apparently it was supposed to be shown in airports, but they decided it was too sexy for that. I actually just think the video is very poorly made. Not that I’m pro fur or anything. If you’re gonna kill an animal, it should be for the food and not for the natural Gore-Tex.