The Unvegan

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10 Years of Unvegan
A Quick Bite at Burrito Express
Serendipity at Northern Waters Smokehaus
Twerks and Burritos at Casa Amigos


Really, PETA?

I try not to make my blog into an anti-PETA blog, but sometimes it’s hard to avoid the things that PETA does just to get attention.

unvegan peta 1Just recently, they tried to exploit the death of abortion doctor George Tiller as an excuse to promote going vegetarian. They planned on putting up billboards unvegan peta 2catering to both pro-choice and pro-life people asking them to become vegetarians. The murder was a tragedy and showed that PETA obviously has no regard for the loss of human life.

On top of that, they have now turned the Olympics into a protest event.

“Does Everybody Hate PETA?”

That was the interesting question was raised by the LA Times recently. It was asked in response to PETA’s attempts to seemingly put an end to dog shows. As a proponent of simply eating animals, I don’t have too much of a say in the matter and my actual opinions of other PETA actions have been been documented in the past. Click here for the article and let me know if you agree with the comments.

Victory! But at What Price?

NBC has chosen to ban the PETA commercial above from the Super Bowl because of how sexually charged it is. Kudos to NBC for showing the vegetarians who the boss is. But while I completely agree with banning the commercial, I disagree with the reasoning behind it. In the commercial, beautiful women in skimpy outfits can be seen sharing their screen time with vegetables, often performing sexually driven acts with them, ie. licking a pumpkin, rubbing breasts with asparagus.

To start off, I want to say that I am in no way against these women and their performances, for while I am against eating vegetables, I can completely see the merit in using vegetables in these forms. Also, I really have a hard time picturing that one girl using a steak instead of broccoli to…achem…help herself.

Sea Kittens

Fish: The Kittens of the Sea When I began writing about my life as an unvegan, I made a solemn promise to myself that I would dedicate my blog simply to the reviewing of restaurants as they relate to my taste in foods. Any rants, complaints or praises I had about people or things in general would somehow make their way into my review and never grow into their own entries.

Today, I break that promise.

Today, the world has changed.

Today, a friend has brought to my attention a campaign by PETA to rebrand the word “fish” as “sea kittens.”