A lot of unvegans avoid vegetables due to ethical or taste-related reasons, but for some, the hatred goes much deeper. Vicki Larrieux is one of these people. Not content just disliking vegetables, Larrieux has actually developed a phobia for vegetables.
I’m not really sure who Michael Pollan is or why he is famous. These matters are inconsequential to me. What does matter to me is that the man has somehow become famous enough to spout off nonsense about meat-eaters. We unvegans are a strong, proud bunch and we are not to be taken lightly. So when a guy like Pollan starts spilling untruths, we recognize that he must be stopped. Pollan recently said, “A vegan in a Hummer has a lighter carbon footprint than beef-eater in a Prius.” He couldn’t have been more wrong.
Recently, I’ve been reading more and more news articles about a book called Eating Animals. At first, I thought this was going to be some sort of awesome cookbook or essays about eating some pretty tasty animals. Instead, I found a book that goes against the things that every unvegan stands for. I haven’t read the book, because I don’t think the author or publisher deserves any of my money, but I know enough to place an unvegan ban on the vegan propaganda.
The book is so insidious that it has turned the adorable Natalie Portman into a sudden vegan who compares eating meat with rape. This cannot stand!
It’s not too often that a promotional video captured the heart of an entire industry, and when they do it’s usually boring. Only cheese and milk have really made headway into the entertainment field in the United States, but there could be good news coming for meat.
Fiji Meats has a video that plays on rented videos in Fiji that just might change the entire world’s perception of meat. The video is filled with Fijians working in meat plant singing “I’m a Fiji meat man!” Yes, even the women sing about being a Fiji meat man. At one point a worker dances with an entire pig over his shoulder. To see it all, check out the video…
It’s always good to hear about a celebrity returning from the dark side of foodery known as vegetarianism. The newest celebrity to do so is none other than Hilary Swank.
As the star of films like Million Dollar Baby and Boys Don’t Cry, Swank showed what it meant to be tough. In fact, being tough is the reason she has given up vegetarianism. According to Marie Claire magazine, Swank “…just started withering away.” That’s not good news for the Next Karate Kid. You can’t be the praying mantis without eating meat.
Many pet owners and vegetarian activists fail to realize that cats are obligate carnivores. This means that they can’t digest their food if it isn’t composed of animal flesh. Despite this, it is rare that you actually see cats act like the true carnivores they are, the carnivores that are related to lions, panthers and tigers. While growing up, my cat would occasionally catch a bird and drop it on our porch as a gift, showing that house cats really do give in to their carnivorous instincts sometimes. Otherwise, many cats have grown fat and pampered.
The video below should prove to any unbeliever that cats want nothing more than some good meat. Watch it and enjoy!
Richard Rangham, author of Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human, has developed a theory that may very well change the way we look at the world and ourselves. Looking back at human evolutionary history, he has realized that with the onset of the discovery of fire and the likely-accidental dropping of raw meat into the fire, our ancestors stumbled upon something that would change human history.
Many practitioners of Buddhism follow a strict vegetarian diet. They do this in an attempt to follow the way of Buddha, who is believed to have lived a vegetarian life that shunned killing. It seems, however, that this may not be the whole truth.
According to research, Buddha accepted all foods given to him as long as he wasn’t the sole reason for the killing and the killing wasn’t done in front of him. This probably helps explain why many depictions of him are of a relatively fat guy, who could never have gained so much weight on eating vegetables alone.
A recent report from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm has shed a new light on the history of the domestication of dogs in the world.
It seems that dogs weren’t originally intended to be man’s best friend. Instead, they were most likely domesticated to be man’s next meal.
According to the New York Times, “[a] single domestication event seems to have occurred in southern China…[where]there is a long tradition of eating dogs…”
A few of my loyal friends enlightened me to the existence of this wonderful video circulating the interwebs. It is a clip taken from the life-destroying reality show known as Wife Swap. This particular episode features a delightful little boy who humbly refers to himself as King Curtis. His new mother, Joy, has taken it upon herself to rid the house of junk food (ie. good food) and King Curtis wants nothing to do with that.
As Joy is about to throw away the bacon, King Curtis declares, “Bacon is good for me.” It seems he is a little unvegan in the making.