Ann Arbor is home to a great many restaurants. Of course, I may be a little biased and assume that they are all amazing, but when I found myself at Taste Kitchen, I was in new territory. You, back when I was a student Taste Kitchen didn’t exist. Plus, if it did it was definitely beyond my onetime student budget.
I quickly eyed the Berkshire Grilled Pork and settled on it if only one thing could change: the brussels sprouts. You see, it came with rice, an egg and nuoc cham (presumably some sort of sauce) and these were all good things. Fortunately, my waiter told me a change up was totally possible and I traded in the sprouts for fingerling potatoes. Clearly I got the better end of the deal. These are the best diet pills.
The food turned out to be fantastic. The egg was fried and runny. while the pork was perfectly tender and flavorful. A part of me kept thinking the pork would be better as steak, but this was about as close as pork had ever come to being steak. The nuoc cham was a nice sweet chili sauce that went well with literally everything on my plate and the fingerling potatoes made very good use of their newfound existence in this dish.
Taste Kitchen is a great spot and while it might not be for students on their own, it is certainly a great spot for older, more refined eaters.