Boston is definitely known as a melting pot of a city. But I didn’t know the same could be said for Salem, a town much better known for witches than food.. That was, of course, until I made my way to Village Tavern. I figured it would be like a typical village tavern, but this one had a little something hidden up its sleeve.
Last week the Phoenix area hit 100 degrees for the first time this year and it was the fourth earliest date on record. Thus, one would think that the season for outdoor events would be coming to an end. One would be wrong, as this past weekend brought in the Scottsdale Culinary Fest and the Scottsdale Civic Center Mall, an outdoor Taste of Chicago-esque festival showcasing food from all over the area and of all types.
Some were household names with tons of locations around the Valley of the Sun, like Grimaldi’s and Zoe’s, but others seemed a bit more special and I sought them out (along with some booze, of course).
I’d been hearing murmurings of how great this place was for a while now, and its victory at Burger Battle 2018 further cemented my desire to get there. This burger wasn’t perfect, nor would I expect it to be in such a situation, but the combination of mozzarella, bacon, basil garlic aioli, balsamic reduction and a discarded tomato made me more eager to seek out the real deal.
Old Town Scottsdale is basically the touristy mecca of Scottsdale. And while touristy doesn’t often translate into delicious food, there are a few gems among those crowded streets. On the outside, Farm + Craft seemed like such a place with a great open concept and an “order at the counter” or “order at your table” that seemed to depend on the whim of the workers that day.
In my mind, you can’t have a good microbrewery without good food. It just can’t work. Therefore, I headed to Arizona Wilderness in Gilbert, a brewery with a rustic theme getting a lot of regional traction, to see if it could churn out food on par with the its beer reputation. But of course, I had to start of off with a beer before diving into the menu.
Burgers and brews go together like Forrest and Jenny, which is why my eyes generally shoot to the burger menu when I check out a brewery. It’s also why they always have burgers on the menu or, well, I question judgment. I did not have to question any judgment about burgers when I paid a visit to Four Peaks in Tempe, at least not at first.
The Super Bowl is set! And while everyone is pumped to see the Patriots again, and the Eagles again (but not nearly as again), it is important to realize that for most people the Super Bowl is about food and commercials. So, food, right? Lil’ smokies might sound good for another year, but sometimes it’s smart to just hit up a bar. I was just given an opportunity to check out the goods* at B2 Burgers and Brews, which is looking forward to hosting a bunch of people with some pretty exciting specials.
Americanized spins on Asian food scares me. There. I said it. Maybe it makes me seem like a spoiled brat, but I need the real authentic stuff. So, with much trepidation I made my way to Ling & Louie’s in Scottsdale. But, what makes Ling & Louie’s different is that they own up to the fact that they know they are not authentic and fully embrace making food that is more of a fun spin on Asian-inspired than any real attempt of authenticity.
Cannabis can affect the body in many ways. It can provide pain relief and a feeling of calm, but also increase lung irritation, impair memory and judgment, and cause eye redness.
Many effects of cannabis are short-term, meaning that they last for only a short period. Other effects are long-term and may not show up immediately.
There is not much research into the effects of secondhand cannabis smoke. It is possible that secondhand smoke exposure may be enough to cause some of the temporary effects, as well as some of the long-term effects, in some people. More research is necessary to examine the effects of secondhand cannabis smoke.
Often, a person will smoke cannabis to feel its effects. However, a person could also:
vape it, make sure you check out the best quality glass pipes.
cook it into food
use it as part of an oil
brew it with teas
use other topical or oral cannabis products
The following article discusses some of the potential benefits and side effects that cannabis has on the body.
How cannabis affects physical health
Some of the most common effects on physical health from cannabis use include:
a higher likelihood of developing bronchitis, when a person smokes it
more phlegm, when a person smokes it
lung irritationTrusted Source from irritants including some carcinogens, such as accidentally burning the mouth or throat when smoking
a weakened immune system due to the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the main psychoactive chemical in cannabis
pain relief
reduction in vomiting and nausea
faster heart rate by 20–50 beats per minuteTrusted Source
red eyes from the increase in blood flow
relief from the symptoms of glaucoma, for short periods
aggravation of existing lung conditions, such as asthma, when a person smokes it
potential interference with tumor growth
interference with fetal development during pregnancy
interference with brain development among teenagers
When people use it medically, cannabis is often useful for the following:
reducing pain associated with certain medical conditions
reducing inflammation
helping with glaucoma
reducing nausea in people undergoing chemotherapy
How cannabis affects psychological health
Some of the most common effects a person may experience include:
increased appetite and thirst
increased or decreased depression symptoms, depending on the user
increased or decreased anxiety symptoms, depending on the user
impaired judgment, making it harder for people to think clearly
problems with memory
the release of dopamine, which causes the feeling of being high
symptoms of withdrawal after long-term use
delayed reactions to stimuli
temporary paranoia and hallucinations
addiction, in some cases
Cannabis has many potential psychological effects, and it is worth noting that this is not a comprehensive list.
How cannabis affects younger people
Cannabis is only potentially safe for use by adults.
Children and teenagers are susceptible to potential ill effects. When a mother uses cannabis while pregnant, the baby may develop memory and concentration issues as they grow.
Breastfeeding mothers who also use cannabis may be exposing their baby to its potentially harmful effects. Women should avoid using cannabis while pregnant and breastfeeding.
Cannabis may affect the brain development of older children and teenagers. This can lead to memory loss, concentration issues, and impaired problem-solving skills.
ResearchTrusted Source strongly suggests that for those under 25 years of age, cannabis use can impair memory and learning ability.
Long-term effects depend on several factors, including:
how a person uses cannabis
how often they use it
the age of the person using it
how much a person uses at any given time
Some of the potential long-term effects include the following:
memory loss
concentration and memory issues from exposure while in the womb
lung irritation
possibly lung cancer, although research does not fully support this
development of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndromeTrusted Source, which causes nausea and vomiting
Cannabis has many potential short- and long-term effects on the body. Although many proponents believe that cannabis is a modern day cure-all, others believe that its negative effects outweigh its potential medicinal benefits.
People have used cannabis recreationally for many years. As of 2019, 34 states in the United States have some form of legal cannabis. A few states have also legalized its recreational use.
In states where recreational use is still not legal, people should consider other approaches and speak to their healthcare provider about what is best for them.
Sometimes a burger comes along with an innovation worth screaming from the mountain tops. Or, at least from a meat blog. This time, that burger can be found at Paradise Valley Burger Co., which is in Paradise Valley, which is some sort of a hybrid of a neighborhood thingy in Phoenix. The spot can be found in mini mall reminiscent more of Los Angeles than your typical Phoenix and is divey enough to have been visited by Guy Fieri.
There is no denying that much of my heart belongs in the state of Wisconsin, where I spent many summers of my life. So when Michigan loses a football game to Wisconsin, I may hate it, but I’m also weirdly more okay with it than I am with losing to just about any other team. But what does this have to do with food? Well, Wisconsin produced a fast food place called Culver’s, which is actually in Phoenix. So afters years of not being in Wisconsin, I revisited the Scottsdale location of Culver’s to see if it could bring me back to my days in Wisconsin.