OK come on. This one’s really a no-brainer. Sunday night was the MTV Video Music Awards. I’m not entirely sure that the event is relevant anymore, but what is relevant is the dress that Lady Gaga chose to wear.
‘Heroes and Villains’
A lot of men (and women) are pretty obsessive about Angelina Jolie and before I go any further I would like to say I just don’t get it. Sure, she’s good looking and a great actress, but I’d take Jennifer Aniston any day. Not that I would ever get the option, but you know what I mean. Nonetheless, she has certainly grabbed my attention recently.
As if there is any question about the manliness of Vikings, your favorite unvegan has uncovered one more reason why the Vikings just might be the coolest society of the past. Think of the word “steak.” The very word makes my mouth water. But if it weren’t for the Vikings, steak as we know it just wouldn’t exist.
Who is Gabriella Cilmi? To some, she is completely unknown. To others, she is an Australian music star. And to the most important, she is a meat-lover. While on tour with Leona Lewis, Cilmi is having herself a difficult time. It’s not because of the stress of touring, the rigors of performing or the constant pressure to keep here fans happy. No, her difficulties are much more important than that.
Michael Bloomberg, or should I say, Mayor Bloomberg of New York hasn’t exactly been much of a meat man in the past. As one of the richest men in the world, he decided to dedicate the rest of his life to public service in 2001. In truth, I know little to nothing of his politics, but I do know the man loves his steak.
It ain’t easy being a vegetarian. I’ve always known that, but apparently a member of the rodent family is discovering that as well. Water voles, a rodent found in British waterways, have long been vegetarians, but a recent study shows that they have abandoned that foolhardy eating habit and come to the better side.
Although soon to be my sworn enemy (when Michigan takes on UConn in football), the state of Connecticut currently houses a new hero of mine. This hero is Caey Casasanta, a man unknown to me until a couple days ago when I found an article about an incredible eating contest in Connecticut.
All the buzz for this year’s Masters Golf Tournament revolves around some dude named Tiger. I don’t see the big deal about him and it’s not like he’s done anything interesting recently anyway. Luckily for sports fans, though, there is a much better man on tour. He is none other than Angel Cabrera, the big winner of last year’s Masters.